रविवार, 29 अप्रैल 2018

ऐ हिन्द के मतवालों

ऐ हिन्द के मतवालों अब जाग उठों भारत वालों,
अब समय ने करवट बदली हे,उस पार खडी चुनोती हे,
अबकी बार दुश्मन न बाबर न गोरी हे,
यह रण हे घर के गद्दारों से, छुप कर ताक रहे सियार्रों से,

अब जीना हे तोह जगना होगा, हर एक को अब लड़ना होगा,
जो बाँट रहे गंगा की धारा को उनको काट गिराना हे,
जो हाथ चिर तक पहुँचे उनकी मालाएँ पिरोनी हे,
जो आंख रंग को बाँट रही अर्जुन बन उसपर घात करो,
परशुराम बन खडग उठा इन जयचंदों को संहार करो,
खप्पर पि पि लहू फिरे वोह काली घर घर से अब आनी हे,
भारत के टुकड़े कहने वालों की जिव्हा को काट गिराना हे,

अब हिन्द ना फिर दहने पाए ,ऐसी हुनकआर दिखाओ तुम,
यह अखण्ड भारत हमारा हे ऐसा स्वर दिखलाओं तुम,
जो हिन्द के टुकड़े करने को नीत नयी चालें चलते हैं,
उन जय गोपालों को मार गिराओ तुम,
ऐ हिन्द के मतवालों अब ऐसा अलख जगाओ तुम,

बुधवार, 29 मार्च 2017

Ramjanambhoomi why i need it

Ramjanambhoomi has been one of  the major social issue post Independence and after demolition of disputed structure it became a hot political issue with major parties taking sides to whatever their ideology fitted best. Some accused BJP of taking a political mileage of the issue but none can deny that it’s because of organizations like BJP and RSS which took a stand on these issues we still have a chance to restore our lost cultural heritage . And also to see BJP still standing with this issue while they have already proved their work efficiency in many states and central government .

While many liberals may argue that as Hindus the society should show a big heart and let the matter be resolved by carving an academic institute or hospital on the Ramjanambhoomi but they don’t understand the issue of Ramjanambhoomi is not for a piece of land . India as a country is very big and land for such a cause can be provided, but Ramjanambhoomi should be seen as a evident proof of our historic culture which is a symbol of our roots to our cultural history . When a panel of ASI says that there are evidence of temple below the Ramjanambhoomi then it’s the responsibility of a society to respond to a call for greater cause and conserve its roots.

To give my view on why we or to say why I want restoration of Ramjanambhoomi .Let us consider a hypothetical scenario of we building a hospital or anything apart from a temple there .I have a guest from some foreign land and as we are hindu society it will be common for him/her to hear the word Ram also our rich culture and customs do make people curious about tradition and religious figures  , so at that point he might ask me who Ram was and we as a proud Indian and Hindu follower start telling all the things from Ramayana how Ram protected the society values by going on vanvas how he defeated Ravana how he established a society where anyone can ask question to the king after all of this will come the big question where was Ram born what will we say he was born in Ayodhya at a place which we identify as his birth place but cannot make a temple or a structure which can value that place just because we want to be liberals . the same person who few minutes back was applauding our society values will move and go away with a laugh that a country which boosts of cultural value where more than 80% of people belong to Hindu faith failed to restore and save the symbol of their culture . and suddenly a proud Hindu and Hinduism which is considered as intellectual religion by the world will become a joke is this what we want.

Many Hindu specially so called liberal and intellectual give preaching of what has happened in the past should be forgotten to build a great future and for this should we all forgot our long heritage or we should forgot how cruel emperors forced conversion and looted our country barbarically or the past should be used as a teaching to build a society structure where we don’t repeat historical mistakes. And if we don’t do these corrections we should be ready to accept criticism by the coming generations as they will definitely question our contribution in restoring the social balance and cultural values of the Nation. So for me and I believe millions like me Ramjanambhoomi is not just any other temple or land it’s a pride symbol of our long struggle and how we survived and reestablished ourselves even after numerous attempts by intruders to destroy our society .

शुक्रवार, 10 मार्च 2017

नेता और सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी

हर राष्ट्र और समाज के निर्माण की नीव कुछ मुलभुत स्तंभों पे खडी होती हे . उन्ही स्तंभों में से एक होता हे , राष्ट्र के नेता जिनपर एक बहुत बड़ी सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी होती हे राष्ट्र का और समाज का निर्माण करने की जिम्मेदारी . नेता अपने सामाजिक जीवन में जो करते हैं जो कहते हैं उसका प्रभाव देश पे देश के सामाजिक वातावरण पे गहरा प्रभाव होता हे . और आधुनिक युग में जहाँ इन्टरनेट और सोशल मीडिया का प्रभाव बहुत ज्यादा हो चूका हे , वहां तो यह जिम्मेदारी और भी बड़ी हो जाती हे .परन्तु कुछ वर्षों में जिस प्रकार का राजनितिक माहोल देश में बना हे वोह एक चिंता का विषय हे .
आज कोई भी जननायक अगर कुछ बोलता हे तोह पहले की तरह उससे जनता तक पहुँचने में वक़्त नहीं लगता आज आपका हर व्यक्तव्य सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से तुरंत जनता में पहुँचता हे और जब हम सोशल मीडिया की बात करते हैं तो इसका एक बड़ा तबका बनता हे आज के युवा का , जहाँ एक और ये अपने आप में देश के लिए लाभप्रद हे के उसका युवा राजनीती में दिलचस्पी ले वहीं दूसरी और ऐसे समय में राजनेताओं पर जिम्मेदारी और भी अधिक हो जाती हे के वोह जो भी भाषा अपने भाषणों या सामाजिक बहस में प्रयोग करते हैं , उसमें शब्दों का और व्यक्तव्य का प्रयोग बहुत सोच समझ कर करना होगा क्यूंकि आपकी कही हुए कोई भी बात एक आग की तरह फेलती जायेगी . अधिकांश रूप से इसका दुर्प्रभाव छोटे शहरों में होता हे , जहाँ की जनता अपने नेता से जमीनी रूप से जुडी रहती हे. ऐसे में एक भी गलत सन्देश सामाजिक तानेबाने और सोहार्द की भावना को छीन भीन कर सकता हे और जिसकी शतिपुर्ती होने में या तो सालों लग जायेंगे या फिर संभवत हो ही न पाए .

आज के राजनीतिक माहोल में जल्द से जल्द बड़ा बनने की होड़ में अक्सर ऐसी भाषा का प्रयोग खूब हो रहा हे , परन्तु इसके दूरगामी परिणामों पे भी विचार करने की जरुरत हे. जब यह समाज ही नहीं रहेगा या हालात हमेशा ही बेकाबू रहेंगे तोह किसकी राजनीती चलेगी . राजनितिक पार्टिओं को भी इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिए के उनके वक्ता किस प्रकार की भाषा का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं . केवल निन्दा करने से काम नहीं होगा, कारवाही भी होनी चाहिए वरना वोटों की राजनीती में हम एक ऐसा समाज बनादेंगे जो हमेशा बारूद के ढेर पे बेठा सुलगता रहेगा एक चिंगारी के इन्तेजार में.

शनिवार, 23 अप्रैल 2016

Billion years before this day

Billion years before this day 
A small green beam rise from the earth,
It was a tree as we now say,
It grew and blossomed in a healthy way,

They become 2 to 3 and spread to become million trees,
Spreading lush green colors
They flourished life on earth,

Very soon color surrounded the tree,
Chirping bird stayed there for free,
Many more species came to life 
Making earth only planet to survive,

Then one day a species came to life,
Starting dominating the nature with mind,
Destroying what god created in a billion years’ time,
mechanical species started to clean the green line,
creating barren land And killing life,
Demolishing center of our life.

With the covers gone No one there to hold the soil,
earth created ripples and started to boil,
frighten they were and realized,
the green cover was the beam of life,

too late it seems they started to run 
crying for life and realized, 
billion years before this day God created center of life

शनिवार, 12 मार्च 2016

इन्सान पैदा हुआ हूँ इन्सान ही दो मुझे मरना,

मेरे जम्हूरियत के पहरेदारों बस मुझ पर इतना कर्म करना,
इन्सान पैदा हुआ हूँ इन्सान ही दो मुझे मरना,
कभी भूल जाऊं किसी दर की सलामी,
तोह मुझे काफ़िर बयां मत करना,
गुजरते काफिलों में गली की मजलिसों में मिलूं हिन्द के नारे लागाता,
तोह रंग से जोड़ मुझे खुद से जुदा न करना,
मेरे जम्हूरियत के पहरेदारों बस इतना ही कर्म करना,
कभी मर जाऊं अगर धमाकों मैं,
हो जाये शिनाख्त दुश्वार मेरी,
ना जलाना मुझे ना दफनाना ही ,
सड जाने देना लाश मेरी,
बस इतना रहम कर देना बच न पाये हिन्द का दुश्मन कोई,
चाहे कोई पंथ हो कोई मजहब,
हम सब हिन्द के फूल हें,
सब इसी धरा के लाल हें,
तुम रंग दिखा कर चमड़ी का एकदूजे से जुड़ा तुम मत करना,
मेरे जम्हूरियत के पहरेदारों बस मुझ पर इतना कर्म करना,
इन्सान पैदा हुआ हूँ इन्सान ही दो मुझे मरना,

रविवार, 26 अप्रैल 2015


सुख गयी जो कोमल कलियाँ ,
चलो फिर उनको सींच जगाये,
 चलो चलें हरियाली लायें,
ज्जड गयी जो हरियल क्यारी ,
आओ उसको फिर एक बार सजाएं ,
चलो चलें हरियाली लायें ,
कृषक के ह्रदय पर पड़ी हे छाया काली,
जिसने गेहूं धान के भरे भंडार ,
उसके घर पर छाने लगी मातम की लाली,
शत विशत हुए मनु पाठ पर ,
गिरी हुए खेत की मरू लाश पर ,
खेल रहे जो सत्ता का खेला ,
अपने अपने ढंग से रंगमच पर आ जाते है
सूद के बोज से भोजिल अखियों को नया स्वपन दिखलाते हैं ,
पर ना जाने फिर कैसे यह सपने बेरंग से रह जाते हैं ,
इन आँखों को अब स्वप्न नहीं ,
असली परिवेश दिखाना हे ,
जो देश की भूख मिटाता हे उसको खोया विश्वास दिलाना हे,
जो धरा चीर धन लाते हैं,
उनका महत्व दिखलाना हे,
हलधर हाथ जो रुक जायेंगे ,
तोह अन्न कहाँ से लायोगे ,
देश को इन हाथों को बचाना होगा,
हरियाली को बोने वालों को अपने साथ चलाना होगा,
तभी मरू धरा पर कोमल क्यारियां उग पाएंगी,
तभी लहलहाती हरयाली धरती पर फेलती जाएगी,
चलो एक हरित क्रांति लायें,
चलो चले हरयाली लायें,

चलो चलो चले हरयाली लायें

रविवार, 19 अक्तूबर 2014

Ghost from the box

It was always not that creepy but since the days has become colder it began to feel too creepy a home on the outskirt it looks pretty much good in the day but at night when all the birds sleep roads go quite trees without leaves become scary . to live in a place like this you have to keep hobbies hobbies which can keep you alive so I start reading from hor e ror to love science to history anything I got. But the most horrifying part of living here and alone is to cook every night you need to cut chop and wash dishes its bad really bad and when someone else join you it become worse. I was thinking of cooking out something easy today and the knock on the door started I am strong but whenever I hear it at night I hope it will go away soon but this time its getting bold so I gather courage move towards the door and somehow manage to open it. “Hi roy “ is the word I hear  its elly she lives nearby and my parents told me she is daughter of there deceased friend I always thought she is crazy because I don’t really like girls who talk of ghosts.

Hi elly .

Elly : sorry to disturb you at this time.
Roy : not a problem ( even though I was feeling uuuuu)
Elly : actually mama is gone and electricity gone bad so just wanna ask if I can stay here till it get fixed .will not be a problem I think.
Me : I know an electrician.
Elly : but why bother him at midnight. Is there any problem
Me : not really its cool fine. (though I know she talks a lot and moreover of ghosts)
Elly : ok then lets have food what are you going to cook tonight lets have something special I can cook fish for you.
Me : I am vegan

By this I can see the look in her eyes which clearly says yes roy you sure look like a white potato.
Elly always wear thin glasses though I don’t like her but her dressing sense was always good to see.
Shirt and jeans I haven’t seen him with anything else and with the dumbest hairstyle but she talks good and lot which I fear.

Elly : so what are you reading to bring you sleep.
Me : I don’t read just to sleep.
Yeah you read : elly said with that I understood her eyes wants to say that you sleep to get rid of your fear.
So cook me whatever you can says elly with a smile.
As if it’s a restaurant how mean she Is I say to myself.

Bread and butter with a mug of coffee is the easiest thing I can think of eating and offering rite now.
Creek creeking of door what the hell is happening its something beneath my feet I was really frightened I
Ran to the drawing room where I left elly but she was gone now my heart beat become more loud.
I was about to think what to do suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder its time to turn and shout I said to myself.
But somehow I turned

Hey ron you got a basement “ elly said
There was no limit of my anger and joy after seeing her back now.
But I manage to hold joy and unleash anger .

What was that where were you I got worried for you “ I said

Hey take it easy I was just watching the house , when I found that It has a basement so just wanted to tell you this “ elly said

Ohh its fine I don’t need it “ I said
No you must have a look there is lot of stuff in there “ elly said

I told you I don’t want any of that now sit here  I said with red eyes but a sense of fear is running now in my heart I can feel it with every passing second it was like if I know something going to be happened.

Hmm you are afraid of the dark , uncle told me about that.  Now I have seen it as well.

Who told you this I am not afraid of anything. Its just I don’t have time to waste.

Hmm cooking is a good use for time ..she mumbled.

Ok lets go downstair I am not afraid of anything … ( I don’t know what made me say that though my innerself always told me its not a great choice )

She was all smile after listening . in no time she grabbed a torch and drag me to the stairs.
With every passing step I had my senses they were telling me to step back
But my manhood was not able to accept my cowardness.

At last we touched the base to our basement floor which I though of as a graveyard once now has been disturbed fully.there were things lying around with cover of dusts on them showing the age they have been there.

Silent was a key there I was thinking of myself of being in a small black hole.

But suddenly that silent was broken and it was elly.
As though she started turniig things around (but really I was not expecting her to be that quick)

Elly : this is great stuff , come here see the collection of books here I am loving it.
Can I take them
Me : you can take them all ….
(I was not interested in any of them as they all are dark occults which I have hated always)
Elly : lets see what we have in other boxes.
Me : I don’t think we have much time.

Elly : come on we have full nite to spend here in this treasure.
ME :  Treasure (OMG ) ok… go ahead

Elly started opening everything : there were many boxes all of them were filled with items which in first look for me were antiques….