मंगलवार, 18 दिसंबर 2012

Delhi A city of shattered dreams

When you say Delhi in front of someone who has never been in Delhi a quick image comes into mind of a city with long clean roads, crowdy market, lifestyle and an unending lists of imaginations. But as soon as one bring a step into it they get to know that all the pleasure dreams are going to turn into nitemare .specially for women who someday have dreamt of going to city and making it big are stuck in somewhere where they have got what they want nice lifestyle a real life change but all this here in Delhi comes bundled in a package of fear . A fear that they can be victim of there worst nitemare a fear that they can meet a wolf in clothes of a lamb anytime.a fear of being molested ,raped,teased a fear of safety and when you look closely today you can find this fear in any eye .be it a girl working at late nite call center or someone working in an MNC,or may be a student or a house wife.and now its not just matter of being alone now safety is at stack even if you have an company.

Recent incidents like the one that happened in bus clearly shows what kind of fearless criminals our current judicial system and society are giving birth too.long wait for justice with no capital punishment has made them fearless , and the way our current govt. Is handling  to situation has just made things worse, also a big part can be blamed on us I.e SOCIETY.with our 'CHALTA HE' attitutude is more or less a reason why these kind of people have gather such a courage.Also parents today are too busy or to lineant to check on there kids moral education, I have seen people saying 'BACHA HE' when someone complaint about there kid misbehaving in school or in neighbourhood there is a real need of change in our mind set why do we always come and gather after such kind of incidents (It includes me i should have written this before this incident but i am a part of the same society)  why don't we gain courage to stop something when we see anything wrong happening.We don't need to get into it physically every body has cell phone these a call for help will work in most cases where we just neglect it.The way our political community has responded to this incident in parliament can be apreciable but untill and unless we get to see some results some progress to curb these crime Delhi will stay a nite mare.

रविवार, 16 दिसंबर 2012

Naari shakti aur samaj.

सदियों से लडती आरही,
जो अपने वर्चस्व की लड़ाई हे,
कई बार रोंदी कई बार लड़खड़ाई हे,
निरंतर प्रयास कर रही वोह नारी हे,

कहीं माँ बनकर पुचकारती यह,
कहीं बेटी बन हाथ थामती हे,
येही प्रेमिका बन दिल में हलचल मचाती हे,
तोह ये ही बहन बनकर दुलारती हे,
इतने रूप इतने नाम से जानी जाती हे,
सृष्टि को जनम देने वाली यह नारी हे,

प्रकृति का स्वरुप हे नारी,
इश्वर का प्रारूप हे नारी,
आज फिर इश्वर की बनाई इस दुनिया में,
लड़ने को मजबूर हे नारी,
कहीं धरम के नाम पे बंधती,
तोह कहीं समाज के नाम पे जलती हैं,
पर तोड़ हर एक बंधन को ,
उड़ने को तेयार हे नारी,

कभी दहेज़ के लालचियों ने जलाया हे,
तोह कभी अपनों ने ही हवास का शिकार बनाया हे,
अब बिगड़े हालात बदलने को
कुरीतियों को कुचलने को ,
लक्ष्मी सरस्वती का रूप त्याग,
चंडी बने को मजबूर हे नारी,

अब यह समाज को निश्चय करना हे,
खुद को बदलना हे या जलना हे,
कहीं सब्र का बांध टूट गया,
तोह अपने ही जन्मे समाज को,
मिटा देने को मजबूर हे नारी

मंगलवार, 4 दिसंबर 2012

Animal Rights : still a long way to go....


On Earth most of the Animal are threatened by the most dangerous animal i.e HUMAN and after years of destroying the planet. Now after a long time some people are trying hard to protect and make this planet fit for all . But instead of helping some are busy laughing out on them this article is a perfect example how humans are still taking protection of other species as joke.